
Here you can find all news and developments concerning our products and the Bohnenkamp Group.

Always find the right alternatives online!

The Bohnenkamp online shop offers a huge selection of products, almost all of which we have in stock. Yet even with intensive advance planning, in exceptional cases it is still possible that a desired tyre is not currently available.

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BKT Liftmax LM 81 - a tyre for heavy lift trucks

The BKT Liftmax LM 81 is still new on the market and equipped with the latest tyre technology. The industrial radial tyre meets the demands of heavy forklift trucks and wheel excavators in material transport and industrial applications.

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BKT's wide range of specialist Off-Highway tires welcomes a new, truly Giant product.

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The new agricultural catalog

he new catalog has it all: tires, wheels, agricultural rims, plus inner tubes, accessories and spare parts on over 300 pages.

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Carlisle new Bohnenkamp partner brand

From this year on, Bohnenkamp is offering several Carlisle brand product lines in the DACH regions. The US tyre manufacturer's products for lawn mower tractors, municipal tractors and All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) will now be available exclusively through the Osnabrück-based wholesaler for commercial vehicle tyres.

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Wide shoulders: The 10.00-20 BKT EM 936 Super

The Indian tyre manufacturer BKT has reworked one of the most common excavator tyre sizes. In the “Super” version, the BKT EM 936 comes with a steeper flank and wider shoulders. The new shape narrows the gap for twin tyres. In addition, the BKT EM 936 Super offers an approximately 10 percent wider tread.

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Concentrated knowledge about wheels and tyres in agriculture

Bohnenkamp Training Center presents event programme for 2020

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Die Crew der Bohnenkamp AG präsentierte auf der Agritechnica 2019 Reifen, Räder und Felgen für die Landwirtschaft.

Bohnenkamp impresses at Agritechnica 2019

Agritechnica 2019 comes to an end with high visitor numbers and a new record for an international audience. A total of 450,000 guests visited the world's leading trade fair for agricultural technology. In an increasingly international environment, Bohnenkamp AG successfully positioned itself as a service-oriented and Europe-wide leading tyre wholesaler.

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Tyre mounting at Werkstatt LIVE

Young agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics engineers will be demonstrating their skills at Werkstatt LIVE at Agritechnica. Bohnenkamp is supporting the LandBauTechnik Bundesverband show in two ways this year. Along with its heavy assembly equipment, the tyre professional is also bringing 400 school pupils from the Osnabrück area to the trade fair.

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Components catalogue for vehicle manufacturers

The new Bohnenkamp AG catalogue for vehicle construction systems has just been published. On 140 pages, the directory lists more than 300 components and spare parts for the entire underbody of agricultural vehicles in countless sizes and designs.

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